Thursday, October 6, 2011

Crafting Information - Internet First; then the Public Library

When ever I get an idea for a craft project, I want to find out everything I can - potential problems, using cost effective supplies, what others have done, etc.

One of my favorite places to find out more information is the internet.  I will query and as well as search google and yahoo.  Sometimes, terminology is the stumbling block - I may have to learn the language of that particular craft.

And I look on the internet to see what books are available.  When I find a title, author or major subject category, I search the local library system online for books I can request.  Getting these book takes a few days.

If the book is check out or there is a waiting list, I will be put in the queue.

If the local library doesn't have what I want, I can expand the search to other libraries; and these books can be requested to my local library, but it may take longer.

When my books arrive at my local library, the librarian will send me an email to pick them up.

After this posting is done, I am headed to my local library to pick up a couple of books I requested earlier this week.

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